or Your Colleagues
Give the perfect gift to your colleague who wants to grow in the federal marketplace. This holiday season TargetGov is giving 20% off all products on the website until the end of December. Use code tghappyh to receive 20% off.
Basic Guide For Government Contracting – Every year the U.S. Federal Government and Military spend over $500 billion dollars buying services and products from companies located throughout the United States. Large and small companies can enter this market and be successful by using the strategies and tactics covered in this book.
Complete New Business Toolkit A –
TargetGov knows what it takes to succeed when you are starting up.
This version of the Complete New Business Toolkit comes with three products to help your business grow.
1) Capability Statement Bundle that has the following colors: Teal, Brown, Blue, and Black and Gold (regularly priced $229.95)
2) The book (pdf version) “The Basic Guide to Government Contracting“ written by President & CEO of TargetGov, Gloria Larkin (regularly priced $14.95), and
3) Webinar “Crafting a Powerful One-Page Capability Statement“ (regularly priced $125.00).
Federal A.I. Readiness Review –
Many federal contractors do not take their SAM and SBA Profiles as seriously as they should. These profiles are the first impression many decision makers have of your company. What kind of first impression is your company making? According to a recent study conducted by TargetGov of small businesses registered in SAM, more than 70% of SAM and SBA Profiles were considered subpar. This can cause a government contracting officer, potential Prime contractor seeking subcontractors or company seeking a teaming partner to pass you by for your competitor! Don’t miss opportunities for growth in the federal market. Take action and seek TargetGov’s professional consultation, learn ways to stand out and be perceived as the strong successful company that you have worked to achieve.
Capability Statement Bundle –
Everything you need to get started on your Capability Statement. These editable Word documents are already formatted for an outstanding Capability Statement. This four pack will give you plenty of design options. Add in your company details and additional information and you are ready to go!
Veterans Complete New Business Toolkit A –
This version of the Veterans Complete New Business Toolkit comes with three products to help your business grow.
1) Capability Statement Bundle that has the following colors Green, Grey, Blue and Grey, and Red and Blue (regularly priced $229.95)
2) The book “The Veterans Business Guide“ (pdf version) written by Gloria Larkin, President of TargetGov, and Cindy Gaddis, (regularly priced $14.95),
3) Webinar “Crafting a Powerful One-Page Capability Statement“ (regularly priced $125.00).
**Bonus** Sample Differentiators Questions Document
If you have any questions or concerns call us at 410-579-1346 X 325 or email us at fast@targetgov.com