Updated Government Marketing Processes & Tactics

Price $995.00 TAX

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The government contracting world has experienced a seismic shift and the old marketing strategies no longer provide the measurable results necessary for success. Issues now include fewer decision-makers with less time available; who are charged with managing tighter budgets and expectations of doing more with less while meeting goals of improved energy usage, lower costs, and increased efficiency all while supporting specific agency missions.

It is a complicated market, however, the federal government is still the largest spending customer of any entity in the world with over $500 billion anticipated to be spent in the coming year. Who will win those contracts? The companies who position themselves with the appropriate decision-makers before the RFP hits the streets will own their share of this developing market.

This intensive hands-on class is designed to meet the new normal of federal contracting through a specific, proven targeted marketing process and plan to position your firm to see success in the federal marketplace. Bring a laptop because attendees will access critical online government databases, review competitors,  and complete tasks to improve the company’s positioning during the class.

Exclusive Company Marketing Analysis Included:

In addition to all class materials, every attendee also receives at the beginning of the class a written individualized analysis of how your firm appears in the eyes of the government decision-makers including specific recommendations for improvement. This analysis will begin the actual class work and guide you through the entire day’s content based on your firm’s specific requirements.


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