Your capability statement is a critical tool to ensure your success in the Federal market; in fact, if we liken the capability statement to dating, it may be the difference between getting the date, getting stood up, or beginning a beautiful, long-term relationship.
The purpose for a capability statement is very similar to dating…
Capability Statement Purpose | Dating |
Required in registration process | Nobody gets a first date without it |
Door-opener to new agencies | Way to get to know your potential mate |
Proof of qualification | Determines if you are a good match |
Proof of past performance | Identifies experience in past relationships |
Sets you apart from your competition | How are you different than the last person |
Most Federal agencies have their own website and registration process for potential vendors from which they can procure goods and services for their agency. This is their dating pool from which to select potential mates; if your capability statement fails to meet their basic qualifications or what they seek, they are never going to notice you, much less ask you on a date.
After much market analysis, you’ll identify customer targets – agencies who buy what you sell; however, they cannot buy from if they don’t know you. Your capability statement is a way to get these decision makers to notice you and what you have to offer. If your capability statement has all the information they need to know and is aligned with their needs, you’ve just increased your likely-hood of being asked on a date.
While many companies would prefer not to limit their options to a few capabilities, decision makers seek vendors who have what they seek and can prove they meet the qualifications. Rather than attempt to ‘be all things, to all people’ focus on being a good match and proving you have the qualifications they seek.
Past Performance
The single greatest predictor of the future is the past. This is true of both in business and dating. Demonstrate you’ve got positive past performance, both recent and relevant to the requirements target customer. Include specific contact information for immediate references. If every past relationship has been a dismal failure, make changes to ensure they are not repeated.
We all believe we’re special; let’s assume you are – prove it. How are you different from your competitors and how does it benefit the targeted agency and their requirements? Your capability statement should clearly communicate how you’re not like everyone else, rather, you are unique, special, and worth spending more time to get to know.
Ensure your success in the Federal market and ensure your capability statement is specifically tuned to the target customer with whom you seek to develop a long-term and successful relationship.
The TargetGov KickStart Program™ is an affordable, individually customized program, designed to propel businesses into the Federal market and position the organization for success. One of the fourteen key take-aways covered within the KickStart Program™ includes “Capability Statements.” For more information about the TargetGov KickStart Program™ and how it will support your firm’s growth in the federal market, contact us today! 800-579-1346 x320 or email cindygaddis@targetgov.com