Conferences and matchmaking events, as well as government trade shows or expos, are often an ideal way for services and products business vendors to get their foot in the door with government agencies and decision-makers. Simply attending is not enough however, as you must manage expectations and properly prepare in order to gain a competitive... Read More
Category: Government Marketing
4 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Win a Government Contract
Growing your business can mean approaching a few new avenues, including tapping into the federal marketplace. Many opt for working with the government as it can often provide a reliable revenue stream if you approach it properly. That said, entering the government marketplace can be tricky—it’s a whole new wheelhouse of branding and marketing that... Read More
How Critical Are Differentiators in the Federal Marketplace?
The federal marketplace is more competitive than ever. As such, it is important for contractors to rise above their peers and set themselves apart. This is why differentiators are so important. Numerous companies out there simply do not have a clear means of distinguishing themselves from their competition. Due to the difficulty of crafting differentiators... Read More
What Does Branding Mean in the Federal Marketplace?
We tend to think of branding as a means of engaging consumers directly or communicating with other businesses. It has become clear that within the federal marketplace, branding is equally as important. It can be easy to view the government as this monolithic entity but in reality it’s just as much of a relationship-based market... Read More