Join Gloria Larkin at the 13th Annual Veterans Business Conference
Hosted by EL Paso Community College Contract Opportunities

Date: December 4, 2018. 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: Centennial Banquet & Conference Center. 11199 Sergeant E. Churchill. Fort Bliss, TX 79916
This conference is open to all businesses, contractors and vendors interested in contracting with government agencies. There will be a focus on Veteran/Service Disabled Veteran Owned businesses, but all businesses are invited.
This conference provides a venue for local and regional Veteran Owned businesses to make federal agencies and their prime contractors aware of their existence and capabilities. It further allows businesses of all socioeconomic categories to network and begin the development of business relationships. Historically, this conference has been a resource for government agencies and contractors to extend their outreach to West Texas and its veteran and commercial business community.
Active duty military personnel that are about to transition to civilian life and have an interest in being entrepreneurs are strongly encouraged to attend this conference. Organizations that assist in business development have been invited to participate.
Gloria Larkin is schedule to do three training sessions: How to Plan for and Get Decision Maker Meetings, Advanced Master Class: Planning to Accelerate Growth Now, and How to Plan for and Get Decision Maker Meetings