PLEASE NOTE: We strongly recommend that you list our targetgov.com domain as a trusted source in your email system so that you receive our emails with the promised materials.
And if you use a free email (yahoo, aol, gmail, verizon, etc.) it is likely that your email will be caught in a spam filter and we will not receive it. Instead, we strongly recommend that you use a professional email with your business website name (yourname@yourcompanyname.com).
Call us at 866-579-1346 if you have any questions.
We look forward to your success.
Featured Products
Our services
FAST® Process
Do you want to dramatically increase revenues? The TargetGov FAST® Process leverages where you are now: your strengths, core competencies, past performance, and relationships, and propels you to higher revenues. How soon do you want to see results?
KickStart Consulting Program®
Specially designed for early-stage small businesses ready to grow! Learn how and where to get started marketing yourself to the federal government. Plan for your success and gain the tools needed to accelerate entry into Federal Contracting.
Performance Tracker Pro™
Imagine having all your best past performance examples at your fingertips, ready to be included in your next winning proposal. Learn how to leverage these tools to showcase your exemplary customer service, thereby enhancing your reputation and securing future contracts.