Last week, the Court of Federal Claims issued its opinion in Ambuild Company v. LLC v. U.S. AmBuild is a major victory for veteran-owned because it reaffirms their due process rights in the context of status protests. The AmBuild case is of particular interest to me and my colleagues because it concerns the interpretation of... Read More
Tag Archives: Federal Contracting
Why do Differentiators Matter?
Differentiators can be a bit of a headache to determine, it takes time and effort to objectively evaluate your company and decide which aspects you should be highlighting that set you apart from the competition. I have already written about what it takes to develop those quality differentiators for your Capability Statement, but I would... Read More
Big Changes for Small Business: Revisions to Protest and Appellate Procedure
Attention all small business owners! As a result of a final rule issued by the FAR Council on July 25, requirements for protesting small businesses size and eligibility status are changing effective August 25, 2014. This rule, which finalizes an interim rule issued on March 7, 2013, updates size and eligibility status protests and appeal procedures governing small businesses, and provides... Read More
Yes! You Should Always Ask for and Attend a Post-Award Debriefing
The more information you have about your company’s ability to win contracts the more success you’re going to have in the government contracting marketplace. One way to gather crucial information about how your company stands up to the competition is to request a post-award debriefing whether you win or lose. You probably understand why it’s... Read More