Many new companies seek to work in the Federal market; however, they often lack sufficient understanding of the size standards, which is a critical element to determining a firm’s qualification to bid and win business within with the federal government. The size standard is the largest size a firm can be, based on a 3-year... Read More
Tag Archives: federal market
Debunking the Myth of the Fluctuating Seasonal Spending
The LPTA vs. Best Value Debunking the myth that contract spending seasonally fluctuates in the federal marketplace. It is true that private sector spending varies depending on the time of year, but according to the Federal Procurement Data System (FDPS), this pattern does not correlate with the federal marketplace. Do not let projected budget cuts,... Read More
4 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Win a Government Contract
Growing your business can mean approaching a few new avenues, including tapping into the federal marketplace. Many opt for working with the government as it can often provide a reliable revenue stream if you approach it properly. That said, entering the government marketplace can be tricky—it’s a whole new wheelhouse of branding and marketing that... Read More
Pivot Point: What to do when the market demands adaptation
By: Gloria Larkin The federal marketplace is adapting to the new administration’s changing policies. Budgets are shifting, with some agencies closing operations and others expanding. Forward-thinking government contractors have anticipated these changes and are positioning themselves as problem-solvers to the remaining decision-makers and therefore improving their win probability on future contracts. A business pivot example... Read More