Should you consider protesting any bid that you submitted and lost? If so you would not be alone. But you may be disappointed with the results. With the majority of large federal contract awards being protested, many contractors ask “What are my chances of actually winning a protest?” The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO at... Read More
Tag Archives: Government Contracting
Federal Fiscal Year End Sales Tactics
Transcription: Hi I’m Gloria Larkin, President of TargetGov. We help you Plan, Position, Pursue, and Win federal contracts. As a matter of fact, in just the last five years we’ve helped our clients win over 3.2 billion dollars in federal contracts and we want to help you! Today’s topic is helping you with Fiscal Year... Read More
Why Should You Tailor Your Capability Statement?
Contractors often struggle with the idea that their Capability Statement is more effective if it is thought of as a “living document” and changed every time it is sent out. Usually when clients approach me for consulting on their Capability Statement they’re looking for a static piece of marketing material that they can mass mail... Read More
Yes! You Should Always Ask for and Attend a Post-Award Debriefing
The more information you have about your company’s ability to win contracts the more success you’re going to have in the government contracting marketplace. One way to gather crucial information about how your company stands up to the competition is to request a post-award debriefing whether you win or lose. You probably understand why it’s... Read More